It's been a long time since I've blogged. We've been really busy the past few months and I'll admit I've been lazy about it. I sit down at night with thoughts of catching up and as my body winds down from the day, so does my energy. The girls are good. Great in fact! They are so verbal and expressive. Payton is very imaginative and girly. Addison is loud and direct. They compliment each other well.
Last weekend we took a trip to the zoo, but this weekend was spent at home. We're getting some very nice weather (in between the rain) we're all trying to enjoy as much as possible. Here are a few pics from our afternoon enjoying the outdoors.
My little speed racers-

One of our dogs, Bug, who for some reason loves to climb trees-

Sadly a few weekends ago my husband's Uncle Ron passed away. In helping clean out his garage he came across an old mower, it's called a Flymo. Incredibly it's a hover-mower and this evening he got it running. It's so cool! You can push it, pull it, even swing it side-to-side. I've never seen anything like it before, but it's awesome.