Saturday, February 28, 2009

Addi's Special Day- Stride Rite and Build-A-Bear

Today was Addi's special day. I try to get each girl individually every few months and spend the day just with them. Today was Addison's turn. We hit the mall for some new shoes and then to Build-A-Bear for her very first stuffing experience. I chose the Lamb for her to commemerate her love of "Lamby". She really likes the Lamb, but is even more enamored with the box we brought it home in ... go figure.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Even though we were sick on the holiday itself, we sure did find a way to enjoy the fruits of the celebration.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My completely insensical (and over-the-top) birthday wish list.

Each and every year, I delight (ok, so maybe that's not the word) my husband my starting to celebrate my birthday at least a month in advance. On February 23rd I proudly declare that it's mere weeks until the big day and bug him endlessly. This year I find myself starting even earlier. You see, I'll be 30 this year. I'm not upset by this number as some are. Instead I find myself using it as a reason to have a real party and declare my love for numerous material (and expensive) items. A girl can dream right? On my list ...

A Kindle -
Love of my love. You have no idea how badly I would love to own one of these. I am an avid reader and this just seems to be my fondest dream come true. Can you imagine books at the touch of a button. *sigh* The $359 price tag is the big downfall.

A "Be Major" by Ju-Ju-Be (in Zany Zinnias or Drip Drops) -
I'm a big wristlet girl. I hate carrying a large purse when I'm out with the girls and these solve the problem. This is the *perfect* variation. It has photo windows, card slots, a built in check register, a slot for cash, a change pocket, chapstick loop and pen. Not to mention an easily accessible cellphone pocket. At $48, it's more reasonable and will be something I'll use every day.

I'd also like a whole new wardrobe, a new washer and dryer, and a flat screen tv.
That's all.
natalie dee

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The best part of having a dishwasher and more tator tots please!

We got a new dishwasher this week and both the girls had a great time playing in the big box. Addison totally rocked it though and spent hours popping in and out of the 'windows.'

On a whim, Greg whipped together an impromptu teeter-totter this afternoon. Literally he found some wood in the attic of the garage and put it together in less than an hour. The girls *love* it. The giggle so loud you can hear them all over the house. Fabulous. All afternoon Payton has been walking around the house saying "More tator tot, please." That's my girl.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

For Mikey...

So excited!

This Memorial Day Weekend we are planning a very exciting trip to Sesame Place in PA. There we will be joining up with a whole gaggle of Twinstuff families for their 6th annual 'East Coast Twins Gathering'. I can hardly contain myself.
The girls are so into Elmo and Abby I'm sure they will have a good time. And DH and I can surround ourselves with other parents of multiples. It will be our very first family vacation (aside from camping), and our very first 7 hour car ride. *gulp*