You suck! I thought it was bad when I used to get stuck behind you and your little copper colored car when I worked in the city. "Pass him straight out of town" I advised my friend, "or you'll be stuck behind him until you get there." Every morning on his early morning shift weeks (he evidently worked swing) I would race out of my alley, praying to whoever was listening I would beat him. Never knowing if I would catch up to him or would be home free. Even better were the mornings when I would see the tell-tale glow of his headlights inching their way towards me from his end of the alley. That's when I would blow the stop sign and cut him off.
On the days I met him on the road I'm sure he thought to himself, "There's that purple Grand Cherokee that cuts me off all the time" as I passed his sorry ass. 3 months of bedrest, a year home raising babies ... I thought it was all behind me. And then it happened.
Cruising my way to work, which is now the complete opposite direction I used to travel, I saw him. No, I didn't just see him, I was stuck behind him. You see my most direct route to work these days is a messy, winding back road with no place to pass. 3 days a week DD39PB travels to McDonald's on said messy, winding back road. 1-2 times a week I am lucky enough to get stuck behind him yet again. Did you know it is absolutely possible for a minivan to go less than 10mph downhill? I know because on Friday that's exactly the speed we travelled. 10mph downhill, 15mph uphill, and roughly 25mph on the straight stretches.
DD39PB ... you suck!
1 comment:
people who drive like that make me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
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