It wasn't as great as I'd hoped. Then again, what really is. The plot was a bit weak and the storyline jumpy. But I don't care. It was so refreshing to see my two favorite characters back together. The movie takes place in present day, so we are left to imagine the life Mulder and Scully have lived for the last 10 years. There are clues of course, but a lot is left to the viewer to decipher ... and oh what fun I had doing it. I won't say too much, I hate spoilers myself, but the title of my post will clue any die-hard fan in.

I must admit I teared up a few times. I'm a sucker I guess, but as soon as the first whistle of theme song hit the speakers I was sucking back the snot and tears like a proud mama. The laughs were plenty, the suspense was exciting, and the relationship tumultuous as always. So I give it 4/5 stars, although the un-fan most assuredly wouldn't. I'm happy and that's all that counts, right?
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