So you all have no idea what a geek I am. Ok so maybe you do ... but in any case I'm a total X-Phile. (Don't know what that is, Google it) I even owned and ran a very successful X-Files devoted message board for a few years. I'm addicted.
So how flippin' excited am I that next week the new movie hits theatres? I'll tell you how flippin' excited I am! I've actually already made plans for DH to watch the peanuts so I can hit the movie on opening day. I swear to you I've turned into a total teenager again! I found myself eagerly buying the newest TV Guide because there was an article and cover devoted to the new flick. Umm hello, I'm a 29 year old mother of two and I've been hit with an overwhelming urge to surf for posters to tack to my bedroom wall.
The fact that the sight of this picture ...
makes me swoon, is hilarious. Ok confession over. I'm crawling back into my hole now. I just wanted to share my excitment with "someone" as all my friends and family are pretty sure I've lost it.
The Ministry of Time
6 days ago
Ok so I am a 90210 fan tivo it everyday and watch it when the kids are in bed,,,,LOL
Kendra you are too funny! My Dh is overly excited too!
I <3 X-files too...I used to watch this show all the time, but I am so out of the loop I didn't even know there was a movie coming out. The only thing I watch now a days is Bunnytown and Jack's Big Music Show.
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