Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day...

and now, so can you!
I recieved this book in a give-away from my fantastic friend Jules at Pancakes & French Fries, and in the spirit of 'passing it on' I'm now offering it to you! It's a quick-witted, lighthearted novel that is both easy and fun to read. I finished it in a few hours and would love to share my love for reading with one of you. Sooooo ... if you are interested please leave me a comment with a link to one of your favorite blogs. I'll use a random number generator to choose the lucky book worm this coming Sunday. Good luck!


Colleen said...

I love a good book and I have been reading like crazy lately!! In the past week I've read 5 books :) One of my favorite blogs is cake wrecks....

Kristen said...

Hey Kendra - how are you? Long time no "see." I love a good book too! Here is my favorite website.. It has great crock pot recipes on it! I hope you and the girls are well!