Thursday, June 12, 2008

Do your dishes smell like burnt plastic?

Mine do. Unfortunately last night as I was loading the dishwasher, a Tupperware lid slid down into the bottom of the unit. Literally 45 minutes later as I sat in the living room pondering why my husband had lit a candle, and while he sat in the kitchen and wondered why black smoke was pouring from the dishwasher, we discovered the snafu. Now literally all but 3 of the girls sippy cups smell like rancid, melted plastic. *sigh* I've been working all morning on getting the smell out. I'm about to attempt soaking them in baking soda and water. If that doesn't work it's off to Wal-Mart to buy new ones. Wish me luck!


Mrs. Fudala said...

Charlotte's sippy supply is dwindling the same way. When do they start using real cups anyway??? :) I am ready for it!

Unknown said...

My 2 use regular cups at daycare now. They get more on them than in them, but most of the kids do pretty well by 2 or so.