In honor of my upcoming 30th birthday, I've decided to make a list of 30 fantastically great things. I'll post 6 each day, until Monday. Until then drop me some comments and let me know what some of your great things are.
1. The Library- That great brick building filled with books. It's my new bitch. Long ago when I was young, I would venture down to our local branch and spend hours upon hours browsing the shelves. Reading and rereading my favorites. A few weeks ago I got a shiny new card for our district. Since then I've been a mad reading fool. I've taken out CD's, movies and books for both work and home. I've mastered the art of Interlibrary loans and downloadable media. In short, it's my newest/oldest addiction. Which brings me to my next great thing ...
2. Jodi Picoult- How have I missed her novels and why has no one clued me in until now. It all started innocently. I picked up a copy of 'Her Sister's Keeper' at the library on a whim. I read it in one day.
3. Ju-Ju-Be- Can we say OBSESSIVE? Because I totally am. A dear friend of mine happened across these bags one day and I haven't looked back. I ordered my first one as a Mother's Day present and have been in love ever since. Not only do they make terrific diaper bags (they are branching out from there these days!), the customer service and quality cannot be beat. Not to mention the Pink Ladies, the most fabulous women (and best accessorized) on the net!
4. Twilight- Yah, ok. I'm one of those. I'm a big fantasy-type person and these fell right into my alley. Such a love story.
5. Photography- One of my true passions. There is nothing better than snapping a shot and capturing a moment in time. The way some pictures convey such emotion and beauty makes my heart ache. My Nikon = love.
6. Pancakes & French Fries and Petunia Face- My blog obsessions! I would love to be such an eloquent speaker. Their writings speak from the heart, not to mention make me giggle and cry upon occassion. Both truly deserve to be apart of my 30 great things. :)
Gigs For President
1 week ago
I like the list :) I love Jodi Picoult and have read every single one of her books. Keeping Faith is one of my favorites!! Hope you and the girls are doing well! I have been thinking of you guys!
Thanks, Kendra! :)
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