7. Little People- I loved Fisher Price's Little People when I was a child. Of course my house is riddled with them now. A castle, a house, a barn, a garage, along with various other accssories. 50+ chubby-cheeked figures to go around. Little People will be celebrating their 50th birthday on March 21st ... and I thought I was getting old.
8. DVR- Welcome to the future baby! We just got a DVR system last weekend and I'm hooked! Who knew? Now I have 30 shows on my list I'll still never have time to watch, but at least I have the option!
9. Google- Need I say more?
10. Nintendo DS- I was one of the few in my class to have a real Nintendo the year they came out. Way back when. Today I'm still a Nintendo junkie. Or a nerd as my lovely husband calls me. Hey it keeps me from asking 'are we there yet?' so he should appreciate it too.
11. E.R.- My favorite series is coming to a close in a few short weeks. I've been a fan from the beginning and am feeling a bit sad it's over. It got me through many rough days when the girls were babies. I knew if I made it through the 2 back-to-back episodes on TNT my day alone was half over, and my knight in shining armor (read Greg) would be home to help me soon.
12. Ebay- Helping to feed my obsessions mentioned in #3, #7 and #10. I've used Ebay to save our family a ton of money. I mean face it, you can find *anything* there.
Gigs For President
1 week ago
1 comment:
LOL, loving the list!
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