Sunday, March 22, 2009

30 great things - Part 4 :So I've slacked off ...

but I have a great excuse! Last night was my 30th birthday party! It was soooo fun! We had a great time. So below are some fun pics, followed by the 3rd installment of my great things.

Becca and Christie

Greg enjoying some cake

Marci and Brandon

Erica and Kirk


Russell and Todd

Marci, me, and Becca

Making 'burning brains' ... aka newspaper parachutes

30 great things ...

19. Digital Picture Frames- The *best* invention ever! I've had one for a few years and love it. Last night my wonderful husband got me a new one. It's completely decked out. Touch screen nav, it plays music, stores 1000 pictures internally and more.

20. Tart warmers- I love candles, however I'm scared I'll burn the house down or something. My solution? A tart warmer hooked to a timer. My house smells fantastic and I don't have to worry about fire!

21. Crappy country- Meaning well used, well distressed kitchy art. Nothing is better than something that looks like it's been in the trash for a few years.

22. Calla Lilies- My favorite flower. Gorgeous, sleek and simple.

23. Dreft Stain Remover- Do you know how many outfits I've saved with this? It works like nothing else I've ever used. Formula, baby food, blood, grass stains, gone!

24. Microsuede/Microfibre- The best invention ever for anyone with kids! It looks great, cleans easily and pet hair just zooms off of it. It has saved me so much time I can't even begin to profess my love for it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

30 great things - Part 3

13. Underwear- Covers it all, and way more comfortable than wearing your bikini bottoms all day.

14. Portable DVD Players- My girls *hate* the car. Have always hated the car. Last summer with a camping trip in the works we broke down and picked one up. You know that moment on tv where a light shines on the main character and angels sing? Yah that's what it's like.

15. Country music- I'm from Ohio ok?

16. Gain Laundry Detergent- I have sensitive skin and can only use a few detergents. Gain is one of them. May I just say it is the only one that leaves my clothes smelling lovely days after washing. Try it!

17.Yo Gabba Gabba! DJ Lance Magic Dance Hat- I don't actually own this, but come on. Does it not look like hella fun?

18.McDonald's new fish commercial- I dare you to get it out of your head.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

30 great things - Part 2

7. Little People- I loved Fisher Price's Little People when I was a child. Of course my house is riddled with them now. A castle, a house, a barn, a garage, along with various other accssories. 50+ chubby-cheeked figures to go around. Little People will be celebrating their 50th birthday on March 21st ... and I thought I was getting old.

8. DVR- Welcome to the future baby! We just got a DVR system last weekend and I'm hooked! Who knew? Now I have 30 shows on my list I'll still never have time to watch, but at least I have the option!

9. Google- Need I say more?

10. Nintendo DS- I was one of the few in my class to have a real Nintendo the year they came out. Way back when. Today I'm still a Nintendo junkie. Or a nerd as my lovely husband calls me. Hey it keeps me from asking 'are we there yet?' so he should appreciate it too.

11. E.R.- My favorite series is coming to a close in a few short weeks. I've been a fan from the beginning and am feeling a bit sad it's over. It got me through many rough days when the girls were babies. I knew if I made it through the 2 back-to-back episodes on TNT my day alone was half over, and my knight in shining armor (read Greg) would be home to help me soon.

12. Ebay- Helping to feed my obsessions mentioned in #3, #7 and #10. I've used Ebay to save our family a ton of money. I mean face it, you can find *anything* there.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

30 great things - Part 1

In honor of my upcoming 30th birthday, I've decided to make a list of 30 fantastically great things. I'll post 6 each day, until Monday. Until then drop me some comments and let me know what some of your great things are.

1. The Library- That great brick building filled with books. It's my new bitch. Long ago when I was young, I would venture down to our local branch and spend hours upon hours browsing the shelves. Reading and rereading my favorites. A few weeks ago I got a shiny new card for our district. Since then I've been a mad reading fool. I've taken out CD's, movies and books for both work and home. I've mastered the art of Interlibrary loans and downloadable media. In short, it's my newest/oldest addiction. Which brings me to my next great thing ...

2. Jodi Picoult- How have I missed her novels and why has no one clued me in until now. It all started innocently. I picked up a copy of 'Her Sister's Keeper' at the library on a whim. I read it in one day.

3. Ju-Ju-Be- Can we say OBSESSIVE? Because I totally am. A dear friend of mine happened across these bags one day and I haven't looked back. I ordered my first one as a Mother's Day present and have been in love ever since. Not only do they make terrific diaper bags (they are branching out from there these days!), the customer service and quality cannot be beat. Not to mention the Pink Ladies, the most fabulous women (and best accessorized) on the net!

4. Twilight- Yah, ok. I'm one of those. I'm a big fantasy-type person and these fell right into my alley. Such a love story.

5. Photography- One of my true passions. There is nothing better than snapping a shot and capturing a moment in time. The way some pictures convey such emotion and beauty makes my heart ache. My Nikon = love.

6. Pancakes & French Fries and Petunia Face- My blog obsessions! I would love to be such an eloquent speaker. Their writings speak from the heart, not to mention make me giggle and cry upon occassion. Both truly deserve to be apart of my 30 great things. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Payton's Special Day- Build-A-Bear

Last Saturday Payton and I made the trek to the mall. Build-A-Bear was much busier than when Addi and I went, but she was very excited to see all the little kids and really liked picking out her special animal. At first she chose a Panda, but one look at the Jack Russell Terrier and it was over. Love at first sight!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Payton loves macaroni and cheese. And by love I mean, plan the wedding. This evening for a quick fix dinner we had a side of the good ol' American stand-by. She was very pleased and ended up looking like this ...

How exactly did she obtain this classy look you may ask. The cheesy hair, the crusty forehead, the yellow nose. It's simple really ...

by saying "CHEESE!"