Top 5 Reasons Not to Wear Bathing Suit Bottoms as Underwear
5. They are very tight, and very thin ... not the best buffer between scrubs and your ass.
4. They are very highwaisted (at least mine are being party of a tankini) and do not ride in the land of normalcy.
3. If you get in an accident, the ER staff is gonna have a field day with you. I worked in a doctor's office, I know what they really say behind the desks.
2. They chafe areas you don't generally want to be chafed in. Bathing suits are not meant to worn for an entire day/evening.
1. Your husband will make fun of you, and procede to tell everyone he talks to the day after all about it. Including his co-workers and all the neighbors.
Oh that had me laughing! :)
me too! LOL!
Just another valuable lesson I've learned.
Hopefully it can help some other poor soul out there before it happens to them.
The More you Know. (shooting star)
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