In my 2 months of full-time work (minus a few sick days, ahem) I've done a lot of work getting the classroom ready. My co-teacher (God love her) is a slob. She has no oraganization skills, or sense of style. Really. I've worked day-by-day to transform our classroom from a cesspool into a beautiful, relaxing, fun atmosphere I'm proud of. It's finally taking shape.
I stripped all the bulletin boards, repapered them and added brand new border. I bought new baskets for all of our toys and games, and added a little holiday cheer (a "My Funny Valentine" board and most recently a 'Reading is our pot o' gold" board). My wonderful DH is going to strip and repaint all the shelves and tables, and my MIL is going to help make some curtains for the windows. I'm excited. The end look is going to be fabulous. Too bad, it won't last ... things have a way of getting destroyed in there. *sigh*