Thursday, February 21, 2008

I've got class ...

rather *a* class. A class full of very energetic 4-5 year olds.
In my 2 months of full-time work (minus a few sick days, ahem) I've done a lot of work getting the classroom ready. My co-teacher (God love her) is a slob. She has no oraganization skills, or sense of style. Really. I've worked day-by-day to transform our classroom from a cesspool into a beautiful, relaxing, fun atmosphere I'm proud of. It's finally taking shape.
I stripped all the bulletin boards, repapered them and added brand new border. I bought new baskets for all of our toys and games, and added a little holiday cheer (a "My Funny Valentine" board and most recently a 'Reading is our pot o' gold" board). My wonderful DH is going to strip and repaint all the shelves and tables, and my MIL is going to help make some curtains for the windows. I'm excited. The end look is going to be fabulous. Too bad, it won't last ... things have a way of getting destroyed in there. *sigh*

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Check out my new blog!

I've decided to move my photography to a blog all it's own. I'll still be posting my random candids here, but needed a place to trash up with my attempts at being a professional LOL.

Image is Everything

Payton the Pensive

Before editing ...

After editing ...

I can't wait to get my new camera and start taking pictures. 99% of what I take during the day now are just fun, quick, get the shot and be done with it photographs. Sometimes I happen to catch something cute, or different and don't even realize it. While going through some shots from Valentine's Day, I found this little gem. It cracks me up, I couldn't have posed her so well. She obviously wasn't feeling well, but looks so sweet I couldn't resist posting it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

That's one small step for man ...

one giant leap for me! I've finally decided to do something with my life. Not that being a wife and mother is nothing ...
I've decided to become serious about my passion. Photography. I'm getting a new camera (a Nikon D40), taking some classes and honing my skills so that I can eventually do something with it. My point and shoot cameras, while fun, just aren't enough for me anymore and I want to move up to bigger and better things. I know I'm crazy. Photography isn't an easy field to break into. I just want to get up every day and do something I'm passionate about. So we'll see how things go, I'm in no rush, and hope to see things happening within a year or so. Until then I'll be posting stuff I've taken and asking for *honest* feedback. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!




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I win!

We *are* getting a new stove. I talked to DH again last night and layed out all the reasons for getting it. For some reason he didn't realize the beast really was that old. I've tried to tell him the faint odor of natural gas we sometimes smell when it's heating up or after we shut it down isn't normal (even though he insisted it was), and his father confirmed that last night. So at 9:32pm last night I got the nod, and at 10:29am this morning I ordered the stove. After all the sale price was only good through today ...
In the words of Stewie Griffen ... VICTORY IS MINE!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You can't blame a girl for trying!

I want a lot of things. And I'm the first to admit I want a lot of things I don't need. I want a new camera, I want some new clothes, I want to get the girls a swingset, and most of all I want a new stove.
I asked DH if we could possibly get one using some of our tax refund. His words "we have a stove, we don't need a new one." Ok yes, technically we *do* have one. It's a 1970-something Caloric gas range. His parents left it here for us when they moved.
I keep telling him if we get a new stove, I'd be more inclined to cook. That's probably a lie. I hate to cook. But in all honesty I hate cleaning the ol' Caloric more. Nothing frustrates me more than scrubbing that beast down. It has the old ceramic stains, where set in grease has lived for years. Nothing and I do mean, nothing will take the discoloration off. It's scratched, it's dented, and it's just plain ugly.
I don't want anything fancy (but let's face it, having a clock and timer would be nice!). I have my eye on this White Kenmore 30 in. Freestanding Gas Range
So I've decided when I recieve my first $400 paycheck I'm going out and getting us a new stove. If that fails to happen there's always that Sears card hanging out, unused with a $0 balance sitting in my purse.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Anatomy of a Man ...

Can someone please tell me why, oh why, a grown man cannot hit the toilet when he pees? How does it manage to run down the side, puddle around the seal and then cause the bathroom to smell like urine for days on end? How does it lay on the back by the hinges of the seat, just waiting there for someone (read, me) to clean it up? How does it manage to get around the rim, and yet still be on top of the seat? I don't understand. I really don't understand.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The one where she's very excited!

Oh what can I say about you. I ordered this Thomas the Tank Bed Topper for my nephew's birthday on Wednesday evening. The party is tonight. I emailed my SIL and let her know our gift wouldn't be arriving in time (she knew I was ordering it) and told her I had it shipped directly to her house. We figured I'd just include a picture in his card and explain what he was getting. No biggie. I really wasn't too bummed, I mean I got Free Super Saver Shipping! It saved me a trip to the toy store, wrapping the thing, and hauling it up. Besides that, I know my nephew will be thrilled to get mail.
So today I log on to check my email, only to find out it was shipped and will be arriving today! How is that for service? It will arrive in time for the party after all. I'm glad. I mean how do you explain to a 3 year old he's getting this super-fabulous bed tent without his seeing it? Not only that, I still didn't have to shop, and I still don't have to haul it up there. Taking 2 babies and a husband is enough work for me. So, I give you 2 thumbs up. Today you saved the day!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

The one where she makes a confession ...

Top 5 Reasons Not to Wear Bathing Suit Bottoms as Underwear

5. They are very tight, and very thin ... not the best buffer between scrubs and your ass.

4. They are very highwaisted (at least mine are being party of a tankini) and do not ride in the land of normalcy.

3. If you get in an accident, the ER staff is gonna have a field day with you. I worked in a doctor's office, I know what they really say behind the desks.

2. They chafe areas you don't generally want to be chafed in. Bathing suits are not meant to worn for an entire day/evening.

1. Your husband will make fun of you, and procede to tell everyone he talks to the day after all about it. Including his co-workers and all the neighbors.