Only then did I think to take her temp. 101.8 ... this is when I receive the nomination for 'Worst Mother of the Year'.
I call my DH (who is helping his father), and explain that I think she needs to go to StatCare. MIL offers to keep Payton so we can both go. DH packs up, comes home and we get Addison ready. One 25 minute trip later, we hit StatCare only to find out it's a 3+ hour wait to even see a nurse, let alone a doctor. We leave ... this is when I actually win the 'Worst Mother of the Year' award.
In my defense, after the Tylenol kicked in, she became a different kid. Laughing, smiling, talking, playing ... so why do I feel like crap.
DH and I decided if she does get worse we'll call the on call ped. and see what she says. Now I just need to figure out where to display my trophy :(

You are not a bad mother at all. A lot of doctors would tell you just to continue giving Tylenol for pain and not even give you an antibiotic. If the tylenol is helping you are fine. A few drops of Olive Oil in the ear works wonders on call nurse taught me that one.
I keep my trophy on the toilet. ;)
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