Ok not really. I will however ponder the meaning of motherhood on occassion. *gets out soapbox*
Why do people think that parenting is anything but a job? Take for instance the governments latest tax 'rebate'. I am not eligible for a break because I was not 'employed' last year. Umm excuse me? I spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week feeding, changing, bathing, and caring for 2 infants. Yet in the governments eyes I did nothing. I certainly worked harder than many 'full time' employed people I personally know. Stay-at-home parents really get the shaft sometimes. No I'm not going to turn this into a stay-at-home vs. working parent discussion ... I've done both. Hats off to all. I just want to know what it takes for mothers and fathers to get some recognition for putting their heart and soul, something the average American does not do, into their job each and every day? My children are happy, healthy and well-adjusted. They have every chance in this world to grow up to be contributing members of this society and I get 'hey sorry, but you didn't bring in an income so we're gonna have to cut you out of this perk'. Oh so sorry, but I was busy at home making sure this country has a future ... maybe next time I'll work a bit harder.
*gets of soapbox*
Anybody want some cake?
I totally hear ya on this one!
OH man so I guess that means I won't get one for me either but isn't it funny that we will get one for the kids? I guess not for our wee ones though huh
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